9 Tips On How To Sooth A Teething Baby At Night?


Teething is a huge milestone for babies, but with all that excitement come sleepless days as your innocent little ones fuss over their teething pain at night. Parenting is demanding already. You spend weeks correcting your baby’s sleep schedule, only for all that effort to be wasted by their midnight teething discomfort. If you can relate to all of this, then don’t worry! We’ve combined nine amazing tips for you on “How to help teething baby sleep at night?” along with some other possible questions you may have!

When Do Babies Start Teething?

Most babies start teething between 5 to 7 months of age, but some may begin teething earlier or later than this.

Signs That Indicate That Teething Pain Is Causing Nighttime Discomfort:

  • Irritability/ Fussy mood
  • Chewing/Biting on toys/your hands or random things
  • Excessive Drooling

Can Teething Cause A Temp?

There’s a huge misconception that teething causes high fever. During teething, the babies may get a mild temperature however, if your baby is teething but has a fever then it’s highly recommended to go visit a pediatrician.

9 Tips To Help A Teething Baby Sleep

If your baby’s teething is worse at night, then try these following methods to help your little one calm down:

1.     Use a damp washcloth as a cooling treat

This is a very easy-to-use trick. Just take a clean washcloth, soak it in water, and put it in the freezer for an hour. Then let your baby chew on it a few minutes before bedtime to numb the pain in the gums. Make sure there are no strings or rips that the baby swallows.

Check out our super soft bamboo washcloths explicitly made for babies here. Not only are they available in cute pastel colours, but they also have hypoallergenic and antibacterial benefits that only bamboo can give.

2.     Apply little pressure on the gums

Wash your hands, then use your fingers to gently put pressure upwards on your little one’s gums. A little counter pressure on the gums will ease the soreness of teething before bedtime ensuring you and your little one get a peaceful sleep.

3.     Use a teething ring to give a cooling gum massage

Make sure to get a plastic (not gel filled) teething ring. Wash and then put it in the freezer to cool it down for at least 30 mins. Use it to gently massage your baby’s gums.

4.     Get your baby safe chewing toys

More chewing eases their irritability. If possible, get those toys that are specially made for chewing.

5.     Become your baby’s chewing toy

Wash your hands and let your baby chew them to ease their soreness. It’s better if you dip your hands in cold water before to numb the pain.

6.     Wipe drool repeatedly

Keep a washcloth by your side and clean your baby’s drool repeatedly. Don’t let the drool accumulate as it causes more discomfort and face rashes.

7.     Consider recommended medicine

If your baby’s teething worsens at night to the point that they can’t stop crying, consider using the last resort of safe medicine. Ask your pediatrician which over-the-counter pain relievers are advised and in what dose. Baby acetaminophen or ibuprofen given an hour before bedtime can help block worsening pain thus, enabling your baby to sleep.

8.     Maintain Baby’s Bedtime Routine

Try using all the above methods to make sure your baby falls asleep at night. Teething can cause a drastic change in bedtime schedule, but you have to make sure to maintain it, as changing routines can cause discomfort in babies.

9.     Deal the situation with calmness

Remember you’re not the only parent experiencing this. Just like all the other tough milestones of your baby, this will pass too!

Home Remedies For Teething Baby At Night

Are you looking for some home remedies like using numbing gels or alcoholic beverages or homeopathic teething tablets? If so, then don’t! All these old lady tales may work however, they’re harmful for your little one. They can have potential negative side effects on your baby hence, the FDA officially advises against all such methods or alternatives.

Does Teething Make Babies Sleepy?

Some babies tend to sleep more during daytime when teething, which disrupts their sleep schedule. However, this is not the case for everyone and varies according to the individual.


Teething for babies is very important for babies, while very hectic for the parents. This love-hate relationship of parents with teething has existed for quite a long time but don’t worry! The tips mentioned above work magically to alleviate your little one’s worsening pain. So, use these diligently and everything will soon be alright!

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