When Do Babies Start to Laugh?


You've heard your infant cry repeatedly over the slightest things as a parent, which probably makes you want to listen to your baby's first laugh instead. There's no doubt that a baby's laughter is music to their parent's ears. Once you hear this blissful sound, you'll keep wanting for more and will do anything in your power to listen to your baby's cute little chuckle or belly laugh again!

When Do Babies Laugh for The First Time?

If you’re impatient and wondering at what age do babies laugh out loud other than the slight giggles or smiles, then we assure you that you don’t have to wait long! According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, babies tend to start laughing at 4 to 6 months of age. Moreover, as the baby ages, the laughs will become more frequent.

However, you should remember that all babies are separate individuals, and the time for each baby to start laughing varies. Some babies may begin laughing earlier than 4 months and some a lot later, which is totally fine as their development pace differs. Hence, do not compare your baby to another one!

How to Make Baby Laugh?

A baby’s laugh is a crucial milestone for learning better communication skills. As your baby laughs, it’s a sign that they’re learning to pick out the differences in sounds and expressions. They've started to figure out which ones are safe, and which are not!

As they laugh due to the amusing noises or expressions, they wait for your reaction. This becomes their form of communication since their speech skills are not yet fully developed.

With every new sound they make while laughing, they’re learning to move their muscles and tongue better. Hence, making babies laugh is essential! Here are some ways to make your baby laugh:

-Funny Faces

Your baby can now differentiate between expressions so opening your mouth wide, sticking out your tongue or doing something similar will catch them by surprise hence, making them laugh.


As the baby can now identify your voice, they will feel safe when you sing for them. If these singing sessions are accompanied by hand gestures or claps, then it’s bound to make the baby laugh.


At this age babies learn object permanence which means, that they now know that an object exists even if it’s hidden. Hence, as you hide your face and then unexpectedly show it to your little one, the baby gets amused and laughs.

-Blowing raspberries on baby’s belly

All you have to do is to kiss your baby's belly while also blowing out. The sound and feeling are bound to elicit a giggle from your little love.

-Silly sounds

Just like the silly expressions, these are sure to make your little one giggle!

-Gently bouncing baby on your knee

The jumpy bounce on your knee makes them feel like they’re on a playful ride hence, making them feel excited.

-Gentle touches

Carefully tickling or gently blowing on your little one’s skin is a different sensation for them and elicits a giggly laugh.

Before you try any of these techniques for making your baby laugh, do make sure they’re fed and have rested well so they don’t get irritated or cry instead.

Why do babies laugh in their sleep?  

It’s pretty common for a newborn to laugh during sleep. This is because they’re entering an active sleep cycle at this age. During this sleep stage, babies make involuntary movements, including smiles, chuckles, and giggles.

Pro tip: Buy a Jumpy Moo's Crib Sheet to give your baby a calm and restful sleep. 

When to Consult your Baby’s Doctor?

If your 6-month-old baby has still not experienced a first baby laugh, it’s better to consult a pediatrician.

However, don’t worry. Not all babies are giggly; some tend to be more serious than others. This is not something to be concerned about if your baby has reached all other development milestones, such as babbling, eye contact, or making gestures. Look out for all such skills in your baby, and then make sure to tell each detail to the child specialist. They would then guide you through more accurately.


A baby’s first laugh tends to occur around 4 months of age; however, as each baby is different, the exact age may vary, so do not be worried or compare them to others. Just make sure to use a lot of distinct ways to make your baby laugh, such as peekaboo or blowing raspberries after they’ve rested well and look out for any red flags. If your baby fails to reach this milestone even after 6 months of age, consult your baby’s doctor right away!

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